+966 13 361 4360 sales@brightintl.com


Bright international Gen Contracting and Industrial Service is a company based in Al Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established by perseverance and dedication of our engineers in 2009. BIC is contemplating to provide solutions for all engineering problems under one roof with accomplished products and service solutions. We are environmentally prudent thereby remaining politically neutral and creating strategies that are in accordance with the economic situations of the country and utilize the technology available to us in order to make the best of our strengths while overcoming our weaknesses and exploiting the opportunities as well as avoiding the threats.



We are a team of work driven and adept engineers and technicians motivated towards our goal to provide the finest quality products and services with modernized technology staying in light of environment friendly culture.

BIC employees, regardless of their prior experience are ordained to attend the BIC Safety Induction Course before being formally issued with a permanent site identity pass, to ensure their full awareness of existing/relevant safety requirements, potential hazards, rules and regulations associated with the job inside the plant. Our Company’s Project QA/QC Department is well organized and independent in performing its duties and responsibilities to implement in full compliance the requirements of QA/QC Program and QC Plan to the satisfaction of our customers.

Our core team incorporates engineers from various streams such as Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation and Quality Control with high technical experience. Our skilled technicians and a dedicated safety team thrive for maintain quality standards and delivering the premium satisfaction to our customers with supreme products and services.

BIC’s success in market has been surging at fleeting pace over the years. We have been able to achieve our targets on time and execute our plan analogously with proposed plan. Our high quality standards and comprehensive safety drills have lead us to maximum productivity.

Our alpine efficiency at work has impelled many ventures to develop a mutual tie-in and promoting advanced products and services. Our work has been appreciated by SABIC boosting us towards a greater vision of excellence. We facilitated remote areas of KSA with Aramco commodities and set an entire camp at Quraysh that exhilarated urbanization. Our constant efforts for innovation and improvement in work ethics has got us appreciable spot in the market.

The safety of the people shall be the highest law.

The Standards We Pursue

    • Full awareness of existing/relevant safety requirements
    • Full awareness of Potential Hazards
    • Rules and Regulations with the associated job


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Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Duis tristique pretium nunc, eget imperdiet tortor auctor et. Mauris porttitor mollis metus at sollicitudin. Etiam id bibendum ipsum. Proin molestie, velit eget euismod rhoncus.

Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem.

Thomson Polan, CEO @ Caramal Digital Studio


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